Silver Chang x MSLAN
Content Creation
Narratives by Silver Chang
Art Director Jay Chang
Photographer Serhii Vasyliev
Makeup Artist Meng Shu Lee
Producer Tino Chiang
PA Gwenmi Lai
Humans always seek stability amidst change, yet crave elements of uncertainty within that stability. In Paris, I tried to switch back and forth between the perspectives of a traveler and a local. I yearned for serendipitous encounters, yet also desired to wander through alleys like a local, finding the quiet corners of the city, keeping them to myself, and sharing them only with people I cherish. One day, at the Pinault Collection, I stumbled upon a set of Marina Abramović’s guidance cards. At that moment, I knew it was a kind of serendipity that allowed me to connect with her in this way. Following the card’s instructions, I was told to walk aimlessly through the city for two hours. As an INTJ who habitually checks reviews before going anywhere, I couldn’t help but wonder: Could life be an adventure where we participate not with our minds, but with our hearts? For those two hours, I let my heart serve as my compass, with passion as my sense of direction. I meandered slowly from Bastille to the Seine. Paris in autumn is reminiscent of the rainy southern regions, with fine drizzle resembling silver dust falling all day. Passing through the damp markets, I felt like a happy puppy, chasing the aroma of food, stopping at beautiful flower stands, and boldly using broken French to communicate. It led me to taste various olive oils, buy ingredients for dinner, and savor a honey-sweet melon. Without even consulting a map, I discovered hidden gems treasured by locals. Kindness from strangers poured in from all directions. A thought suddenly struck me: "Love can be so simple, flowing endlessly from the human heart. Isn’t this what it means to be inherently complete?
人類總是想在變動中找到安穩,但又想在安穩中找到不確定的因子,在巴黎,我試著從旅行者、當地人的視角中來回切換,我既想要一個不期而遇的緣分,又想要像當地人穿梭在小巷找到城市中安靜的角落,不告訴別人,只帶自己喜歡的人去。 某天在Pinault Collection 發現了一組Marina Abramović的指引牌卡,我當下就知道這是一種不期而遇的緣分讓我用這樣的方式與她交流,依照牌卡的指示,我需要漫無目的地在城市中走上兩個小時,intj 如我,去哪都要看過各種評價,才會決定出發,我不禁一想,我們的生活能不能來一場不用腦,只用心參與的冒險? 這兩個小時我把心當作羅盤,熱情是我的方向感,沿著巴士底緩慢走到塞納河,巴黎的秋天有點像多雨的南方,成天飄著像是銀粉般地細雨,穿越濕漉漉的市集,我有點像是隻快樂小狗,聞到食物香就跑過去,看到什麼漂亮的花攤就去光顧,勇敢地用破法文交流,讓我嚐了各種橄欖油,買到了晚餐的食材,吃到了甜如蜜的香瓜,連地圖都不用翻手機找就收穫了當地人的寶藏小店,路人的善意從各個地方湧進來,我閃過一個念頭:「愛,其實可以簡簡單單地又源源不絕地從人類心裡湧出,本自具足就是這麼一回事吧!」